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Manektric - just an overall good electric type pokemon- shockwave is its best attack Best Emerald team? (NO LEGENDARIES) a lil late on this, but whatevers.Read all 810 lastest cheats and walkthroughs on Pokemon Emerald on GBA at Rayquaza (sky) will help you to balance out Groudon (ground) and Kyogre .Wat is de beste Pokémon van allemaal? dat zijn: Deoxys Emerald, Deoxys Fire Red, Deoxys /Psychic en voor Blastoise Electric/Grass. De volgende Pokémon.Creating the Best Pokemon Emerald Team. There are many decisions you are faced with when constructing a team. An electric to take out gyarados or pelter.How to Get Legendary Pokemon in Emerald. There are many Legendary Pokémon you can get in Pokémon Emerald. Here's how to get three without using cheats.Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Pikachu is famous for being the most well-known and recognizable Pokémon. Over the years, Pikachu Emerald.12 Oct 2012 As such, suggesting Porygon2 is not the best idea. Items, EVs, and They make great Electric Pokes for your game. Save TM36 This is the team I used when I played Pokémon Emerald and it worked very well: Blaziken.13 May 2015 One of the Fortree Gym Leader's pokémon knows a Ground-type attack, which is super-effective against Electric-type pokémon. Therefore, you .See more about I Choose, Emeralds and Pokemon. best pokemon ever. Electric, water, and grass Pokemon, makes me wanna go trade the cards all over .For Pokemon Emerald Version on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs Answers question titled "Good Ground Pokemon for beating Watson?". The best thing to do is to level up a bit. Another choice is to catch a Geodude in Granite Cave in .featuring the electric type pokemon of pokemon emerald. Generally they're weak against Ground type moves and strong against Water and Flying pokemon.29 Nov 2013 Ground(can beat Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, and Steel Types) The best fighting type Pokemon in Emerald without trading would have to be .Top Ten Best Electric Pokemon. blueguy120 For me, it totally beat the entire elite four and champion in emerald, excepted Drake because it has a god damn Flygon.Get three Pokemon Emerald games and agree to get a different The two best Pokemon to have at His fourth Pokemon is a Water/Dark type. An Electric.Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald In but this means that Pokémon closer to this ideal are the best. Lanturn has passable stats and Water/Electric.For Pokemon Emerald Version on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What is a good electric type pokemon best electric type pokemon.What are the best pokemon in Emerald? don't use it until you're sure) to cover its Electric weakness. The best Pokemon.This Site Might Help You. RE: Best electric pokemon in pokemon emerald? do not say legendaries.Pokemon Emerald » Emerald Info » Basic Changes Guide » Walkthrough »» Magma Hideout POKEMON RUBY, SAPPHIRE AND EMERALD TMs. TM # Move: Type: Electric.VGDM Best Story; PAX East 2012; Use the following Pokemon against the Elite Four. Electric: Raichu. Pokemon Emerald / Cheats;.Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Walkthrough: • Little Root Town/Route 101. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Walkthrough.Pokémon Emerald is het elfde spel in de Pokémon game serie. Het spel, een bijgewerkte versie van Ruby en Sapphire, werd uitgebracht in Japan op 16 september.29 Mar 2010 Electivire is one of the strongest electric types in the entire series However, it doesn't have the best defense or hp, but if you defeat your .8 Nov 2004 Also both Team Magma & Team Aqua are on Emerald too. Mudkip, the water pokemon, is probably the best pokemon, not too hard to train, I don't think you have an electric pokemon, so just use your starter on Wingull.Strongest FireRed/LeafGreen Electric Type; Raichu is the only Electric Pokémon from gen I which is the Try breeding a Mareep from Emerald to get the perfect.Are there any really good electric pokemon in pokemon emerald? any really good electric pokemon in pokemon best electric pokemon in POKEMON EMERALD.what is the very very best team in emerald. This page contains Pokemon Emerald, WHAT IS THE VERY VERY BEST TEAM IN EMERALD??? (Evolves from Electric.TM/HM List (Emerald) TM. TM01 20 Accuracy: 100 Description: Ends battle with wild Pokemon; TM24 - Thunderbolt Type: Electric Power:.the Lightning Pokémon. Using the electric charge stored in its fur, it can run faster than the eye can which is then stored in this Pokémon's fur. Emerald.Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Walkthrough: • Mauville City/Route 117. Mauville: City of the Third Gym. When you arrive in Mauville City, the first thing you'll.What are the best starters in Pokemon Emerald? Update Cancel. What are the best Physic Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald? (Electric). Also, catching.Download the game guide 'Pokemon Advantage Tables' for Pokemon a strong electric pokemon that can use Thunder; best when fighting Juan, the final elite .Pokémon Emerald Version showed that the games into future DS Pokémon RPGs. Pokémon Emerald Version takes Trainers to prove who's.I'm replaying my Pokemon Emerald :D haha. I'm deciding between Magneton and Raichu. Any suggestions.Electric - Pokemon X and Y: The Electric-type is one of eighteen different Types in Pokemon X and Y. Best Deal: %displayPrice% @ %seller% Expand Navigation.Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald Pokédex. The native Hoenn Pokédex in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire Emerald features 202 Pokémon, Electric #080 Plusle Electric #081 Minun.pokemon guide evolution list. Pokemon Emerald Super Cheats Forums. pokemon guide evolution list. Electric Evolves.Pokémon Emerald is the third game set in the land of Hoenn. On first looks this game seems to be identical to it's predecessors, Ruby Sapphire, however there.Pokémon Emerald Algemene Informatie : Pokémon in het spel; Informatie en Screens; Het verhaal ; Veel informatie van Ruby/Sapphire geldt ook voor Emerald.A good electric type? and where to get the best ev and i was also wondering about Electivre. will he work when you trade Good electric type pokemon.Emerald Pokémon Colosseum Pokémon XD: The Pokémon below are the Pokémon of the Electric-type.Reception. Pokémon Emerald has been generally well received by both gamers and reviewers alike. However, Eurogamer gave Emerald a score of 6/10, praising.Pokemon Emerald Version - Moves List/FAQ Move List Guide for Pokemon Emerald. Charge Move type: Electric Move power:.POKEMON RUBY, SAPPHIRE AND EMERALD ITEMS LIST. Main Items Boosts Electric-type attacks: Pokemon TCG ©1999-2003 Wizards of the Coast ©2003-2016 Wizards.Best Answer: Jolteon :D *shot cuz you can't get it without trading* xP For Pokemon Emerald, the best electric type would be Manectric. However, Manectric.Disagree? Place your vote on the list of Top Ten Best Electric Pokemon. Just check his stats and even the generation after emerald, he was able to learn .What are good Pokemon in emerald? manetric-emerald's most powerful electric- catch electrike in many areas of grass and raise until.Notable Trainers who specialize in Ground-type Pokémon are Giovanni of Viridian City, The special Ground-type move with the best mix of utility and power is .What are the best Electric Pokemon? Update Cancel. Answer Wiki. 2 Answers. What are the best Physic Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald? Which Pokemon.How to Get Ditto in Pokémon Emerald. Ditto is a great Pokémon to catch in most Pokémon games as it can breed with every Pokémon except legendaries.and what'd your desired moveset be for that Electric pokemon??? Best Electric non-legendary pokemon? I have claimed Pokemon Emerald.Disagree? Place your vote on the top 10 list of Best Water Pokemon. Best it double weakness against electric and it can learn ice my best Pokemon.Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire: Pokemon Strength/Weakness Chart :: Game Cheats. Dragon, Electric: None: Electric: Water, Flying: Electric, Grass Best Pokemon.and a list of Electric-type Pokémon. Pokémon Database. Emerald; FireRed LeafGreen Electric Pokémon. There are 50 Electric-type Pokémon.What is the best non-legendary Electric type in Pokemon Emerald Version.Who do you think is the best Electric type in Emerald? Advertisement. Neoseeker ^ Sponsored Links: plus he is the fastest electric pokemon in the electric pokemon; you need to either trade it into Emerald and use the move tutor or breed a female Electabuzz best electric type is can teach a lot more Pokemon Shock Wave than you can Sapphire Emerald; What is the best Electric move? Previous Thread. Jump to Forum. Next Thread.What is the best electric type Pokemon that I can use. Tell me if my team is alright. Blazikan:Lv-92 Vileploom:Lv-86 Raichu:Lv-59 Pickachu:L., Pokemon Emerald.Hey guys how's it going? Supersalamence93 here by popular demand another pokemon emerald team but this time starting with Swampert.24 Apr 2013 10 Greatest Pokémon from Generations I and II, I thought I owed the fans of in fact, I hope it doesn't and that we can debate which are the best! variety of opponents such as the Rock, Dragon, Ground, Water and Ice types.
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